An introduction from Ms. Lydia Moody in the flesh.

You may be thinking, what has brought you to this place? Why is this little corner of the internet relevant? Maybe it isn't, but if you like horror, and a little bit of tongue with your cheek, then you might consider grabbing a cup of tea and staying awhile.
Or, you know, come back when I have more content. This is my first post after all. Ok, but why am I here? Well, it all started with an idea I had for a novel. A wonderful idea involving hot pink sludge, exploding eye balls, and grotesque mutations, all orchestrated by a scientist desperately in search of perfection. I decided right then I absolutely must follow through on it.
Thus began my journey as an author. It turns out, you can decide in a day that you are an author. I encourage you to try it. It's a lot of fun!
I intend to post my musings here while I work on this project, as well as sharing things that interest me, such as VHS cover art, Horror books I'm reading, art I'm making, grotesque and macabre artists, etcetera. If it bleeds, I'm here for it. I welcome you to bleed along with me.